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Dr. Mikhail Labkovsky is a distinguished psychologist who possesses a wealth of knowledge on how to foster self-assurance and nurture a robust sense of self-worth, which ultimately leads to a prosperous life. Dr. Labkovsky’s guidance and principles are the result of 35 years of practice, countless consultations, thorough research, and observations of his patients and himself.

Improving self-esteem! Our physical appearance or even our most exceptional abilities and talents do not affect the way others perceive us or the world around us. What truly matters is how we view ourselves and what we project to the world. Trust me, you have a high level of self-esteem, and you are capable of achieving even what may seem impossible. You are a highly accomplished individual in life!

What truly matters is how we view ourselves and what we project to the world.

Low self-esteem manifests in various ways, such as hesitating to take a seat on a luxurious sofa or armchair in a room full of people because you believe that others are more deserving than you. It can also be seen when one repeatedly asks others for reassurance on their appearance, or when they can’t leave their home without makeup on. Another sign of low self-esteem is when a person sees something they want, like a pair of beautiful and expensive shoes, and immediately says, «I can’t afford it,» despite having the means to invest in themselves. Finally, it can be seen in someone who endures something they dislike or are unhappy with, but continues doing it out of a sense of obligation or lack of confidence in their ability to find something better.

Low self-esteem is a result of flawed thinking patterns and victim behavior that hinders personal growth and fulfillment. It is a feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt that can hold us back from living the life we truly desire.

This mindset is often developed during childhood, when parents or caregivers fail to provide the necessary support and encouragement due to their own insecurities and anxieties. For example, if a child is constantly criticized and restricted with phrases like «stay away,» «don’t touch that,» «you’ll ruin it,» «you’re too young,» or «you’re not capable,» it can have long-lasting effects on their self-esteem. As a result, individuals with low self-esteem may struggle to pursue their goals and may lack the confidence to take risks and try new things.

To truly love yourself means living life on your own terms without compromising your values. You are willing to sacrifice something else to have what you really desire, even if it means missing out on a compromise. Individuals who truly love themselves prioritize love in their marriage and work towards making a living by pursuing their passions, rather than merely fulfilling basic necessities. Self-love should not be based on comparisons to others, but rather on accepting and embracing all aspects of oneself, unconditionally. When love is conditional, self-esteem tends to suffer. It is essential to learn to accept yourself as you are, love life and embrace happiness.

Successful people are those who have learned to accept failure and setbacks as part of their journey. They know that getting a «C» or even failing a few times doesn’t define them or their potential. They understand that success is a process, not a destination.

Successful people are those who have learned to accept failure and setbacks as part of their journey. They understand that success is a process, not a destination.

In addition, successful people are confident in their abilities and don’t base their self-worth on what others think of them. They have a strong sense of identity and purpose, and they pursue their goals with determination and perseverance. They don’t waste time seeking validation from others or comparing themselves to others.

Instead, they focus on their own growth and development, and they take responsibility for their own success. They set goals, make plans, and take action to achieve them. They are not afraid to take risks or step out of their comfort zone.

If you want to be successful, stop seeking approval from others and start believing in yourself. Trust your instincts, follow your passions, and work hard to achieve your goals. Remember, success is not a destination, it’s a journey. Enjoy the ride!

If you want to be successful, stop seeking approval from others and start believing in yourself.

Finding “the one” is a crucial aspect of our lives. The perfect partner is someone who can be a friend and a lover at the same time, and this combination is the key to a lasting relationship. We all aspire to find this special person, whether we thank fate or lament its absence, but we forget that happy encounters are never coincidental. The truth is that we meet our ideal partners only when we are ready to do so. This means sorting out our issues, shedding our childhood traumas and complexes, dealing with neuroses, and knowing what we want from life and our partners. If we are not at peace with ourselves, every new relationship will test our strength and inevitably end with mutual disappointment and new issues to work through.

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The truth is that we meet our ideal partners only when we are ready to do so. If we are not at peace with ourselves, every new relationship will test our strength and inevitably end with mutual disappointment and new issues to work through.

Don’t be afraid! A mentally healthy person prioritizes their own feelings and always chooses themselves. Beauty and love should never require sacrifices, and if they do, it’s not the right situation for you. You should never tolerate anything in a relationship that goes against your happiness.

A mentally healthy person prioritizes their own feelings and always chooses themselves

In a healthy situation, a person who does what they love and pursues their ideas and talents doesn’t separate their time into work and rest. They simply enjoy life!

Mikhail Labkovsky strongly believes that we should live our lives in a way that brings us pleasure. We should do only what we want to do and avoid what we don’t want to do. That’s how he lives his life, and he encourages others to do the same.

Interview by Vera Kamenkova

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