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Bridal Beauty

Bridal Beauty

Specially for WS magazine, stylist Maria Mashutina has created few trendy wedding looks, gradually transforming them from effortless and natural to intricate and innovative. The model’s low-contrast appearance with a cool tone and soft facial features allowed for a beauty metamorphosis, much like a blank canvas turning into a masterpiece in the hands of an artist.

An ethereal veiled gown sets a soft and delicate tone for the hairstyle and makeup. The lack of precise lines, soft and nearly imperceptible brows, and muted hues in the makeup, along with natural lashes and porcelain skin, create a fresh and radiant face with subtle volume achieved through the use of shimmers. The lower eyelid is shaded with brown hues while the upper eyelid and inner corner are highlighted with mother-of-pearl. Lips have an additional natural pink hue with a hint of sparkle.

As the wedding gown becomes more defined, with a neckline cut and a graphic black belt, the look requires a touch of contrast in the hairstyle and makeup. A statement hair accessory such as a white flower with a dark core is chosen, while the lashes are emphasized with dark blue eyeliner, creating a harmonious balance of bright accents while preserving the freshness and youthfulness of the bridal image.

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The unconventional look is complemented by decorative butterflies. To enhance the enigmatic vibe, the model’s shoulders are draped with a groom’s jacket. «She appears to have decided to wander under the full moon with butterflies flying towards its bright radiance…».

Photo: Gleb Glavinsky
Style, MUAH: Maria Mashutina 
Model: Maria Imbro
Dresses: Coo Culte, Navy

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